We went to St. Louis for of a National Tax Conference. It took place at the Hyatt which is right on the park. Just a walk across the road to the ARCH. Well, I failed to take any good pictures of the arch. It's actually so massive that it is quite a challenge to get a good shot. This one is actually taken in the negative.

And of course you can't be in St. Louis without visiting the Anheuser Busch brewery. Just a few miles down the road. This is the original Brew House from 1891 still in operation today.

On our first day in the city we had beautiful 80 degree weather and headed for the Missouri Botanical Garden. We walked for a good two hours and then had lunch in the new cafe.

This fence surrounds the formal rose garden. I love these fun blown glass rays of sun. And we saw other blown glass pieces incorporated through out the garden.

This is the Jewel Box located in Forest Park, home of the 1904 World's Fair.
Half way through the week I got the head cold. I'm guessing I just was not careful enough about washing may hands while in the airport and plane. Coming home on the plane I was so congested that the pressure in my ears was unbearable. When we landed at 1am I couldn't hear out of either ear and that lasted for two days.
We escaped any major hit from Irene. She just left 3 inches of rain and leaves everywhere.
And we are happy to report that our daughter & son-in-law are fine in coastal Stella NC they are now waiting for the power to come back on.