Wednesday, October 28

Skywatch : Passing storm

The wind was blowing, pushing the trees and grass about in their spots.

Sunday, October 18

Kitty approved flooring

Stella is sitting by the Front Door.
Orion basks in the afternoon sun in the living room.

Last weekend Stella went to the Vet for an unscheduled visit. Something was wrong you could tell. Poor thing just sat in one spot and wasn't interested in playing. Stella had a temperature of 104. 2 degrees above normal. Blood work was done to check for liver & kidney functions and white & red blood cell counts. Those were normal. The Vet guessed a virus. So home with Kitty Tylenol and antibiotics with close supervision. Stella is back to normal now!

Thursday, October 15

Flooring...getting closer to move in status

There are hardwood floors through-out the first floor.
We took on three of them last weekend.
Under the years of dirt and wear was gorgeous Maple flooring.
I'll try to remember to snap a shot of the finished floors.
Done 4 coats of clear polyurethane.
Carpeting for the upstairs Master Suite. Heather Gray.
Three week lead time for this and professionals will install.

Keep you fingers crossed, we have a P & S on the Country House.
Closing date is to be November 2nd.
Now waiting on the buyers bank.

Friday, October 9

Sugar Maples glow right before undressing.

Very soon the wind and rain will come

a great affair
with swift precision
the trees will be left bare.
Just their bony skeletons will remain.

Friday, October 2

Early Morning by the river.

The sun sparkled
the sky was clear and blue
the air was cool and crisp.
The beaver's dam is holding strong.
Ready for the ice and snow in the coming months.

Mist was rising off the water as the sun hit it.
Blue Jays
scold from above.
The river gurgles as it passed by with seamless ease.