Remembering Tom, a co-worker, who perished in an avalanche in Tuckerman's Ravine on Mount Washington, Thanksgiving 2002.Mama always reminds me that we're only passin' through
The treasures of this world are not for us to hold on to
She says the way we're headed

Will take us where we're bound
And we can not lay are journey down
Because all god's children need travelin' shoes
To walk the road that's narrow but it's true
We can't stop here we're just passin' through
That's why all god's children need travelin' shoes
My bags are pack and waiting and I'm headed for the door
The train Is at the station , got my ticket and I'll board
The brakeman swings his lantern
Lit with never ending love
And mama I can't thank you near enough
Chorus repeats twice
We can't stop here we're just passin' through
That's why all god's children need travelin' shoes
Song : Sawyer Brown.