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Our cats don't like to go out much in the winter.
However Jack our orange cat ventures out if only for just 5 minutes. The pet door swings freely on most days but is locked shut at night and during subzero weather.
Robins can subsist on a diet of berries and other organic vegetation reasonably well providing that they can find water and shelter from cold.
Most birds that regularly winter in New England are well suited to withstand cold temperatures. In the fall, many birds grow additional feathers for insulation. To keep warm while roosting, birds fluff their feathers. Because of the way their feathers are layered, this behavior traps pockets of warm air next to the skin.
Oh my, we had CHOCOLATE!!!
Our daughter turned 18 and we took her down to Boston to Cafe Fleuri to their chocolate buffet. Follow the picture link to my flickr to see more.